Sharepoint 2010 Hosting BLOG

BLOG about the newest Sharepoint 2010 Hosting Product

SP 2010 Hosting :: How To Configure Alternate Access Mappings (AAM) in Sharepoint 2010

clock August 3, 2010 10:48 by author Administrator

We are giving you this information because we found it the most useful hub for AAM data in SharePoint 2007. There is probably no reason ever to be using this in a live production environment.   If you find you are reading this late a night or on the weekend and you are trying AAM to get a live farm working you are probably already in trouble.

The one time we were going to use AAM was to allow the Central Admin server to work on the URL for the Intranet in a farm.  In pre-production we got this working using AAM, but the difficulty caused us to step back and speak to some of the more level heads on our team.  What we decided was that AAM would impose a great deal of risk on the project and we answered back on the requirement.  Once we explained the risk to making your Central Admin a mapping to your intranet URL the client understood and we simply dropped the requirement.

So with that warning please feel free to read on……

To avoid many questions and simplify troubleshooting, we would suggest this order when configuring AAM, which worked for me so far:

1. Understand what AAM is, and what is it being used for in your particular case
2. Create a top level site collection in the application that you are trying to configure ( like http://mymossserver )
3. Browse the site, make sure it works
4. Complete the network configuration for the alternate URL that you are planning to use ( like ). If you do not know how to do this part, get your network administrator involved. This is a fundamental requirement to get it working
5. Create the host header entries on IIS for the web application you are trying to configure. If you do not know how to do this, get your IIS admin, or system admin (whomever configures IIS in your environment) involved. This is a fundamental requirement to get it working
6. Then browse the site using the new url you have configured. If you have configured it correctly, you should be able to browse the sharepoint site with the configured URL ( ), but redirected to the default zone mapping you have at this point ( http://mymossserver )... This means the network is capable of transporting the request to IIS, and IIS is capable of handing the request to the correct SharePoint web application
7. Then add the AAM for the desired zone in central admin, and make sure you have ONE mapping configured for each zone. (intranet zone in this case) Beware, the default zone will be selected when you open the page, you probably want to CHANGE IT
8. Browse the site with the new URL ( Voila ! Note: If you added two mappings to the same zone, you will see the exact same symptom of getting redirected to the first URL mapping in that zone...

Also remember; the zone and the URL mapping should be ONE-TO-ONE, not ONE-TO-MANY, and not MANY-TO-ONE. There is nothing in the UI to prevent you from entering the same url for different zones, or add two URLs to the same zone, so you can add it, but it either won't work as expected at all, or it will be partially broken. In total, you have 5 total AAM available, one for each zone.

Top Reasons to trust your SharePoint 2010 website to

What we think makes so compelling is how deeply integrated all the pieces are. We integrate and centralize everything--from the systems to the control panel software to the process of buying a domain name. For us, that means we can innovate literally everywhere. We've put the guys who develop the software and the admins who watch over the server right next to the 24-hour Fanatical Support team, so we all learn from each other:

- 24/7-based Support - We never fall asleep and we run a service that is operating 24/7 a year. Even everyone is on holiday during Easter or Christmas/New Year, we are always behind our desk serving our customers
- Excellent Uptime Rate - Our key strength in delivering the service to you is to maintain our server uptime rate. We never ever happy to see your site goes down and we truly understand that it will hurt your onlines business. If your service is down, it will certainly become our pain and we will certainly look for the right pill to kill the pain ASAP
- High Performance and Reliable Server - We never ever overload our server with tons of clients. We always load balance our server to make sure we can deliver an excellent service, coupling with the high performance and reliable server
- Experts in SharePoint 2010 Hosting - Given the scale of our environment, we have recruited and developed some of the best talent in the hosting technology that you are using. Our team is strong because of the experience and talents of the individuals who make up ASPHostCentral
- Daily Backup Service - We realise that your website is very important to your business and hence, we never ever forget to create a daily backup. Your database and website are backup every night into a permanent remote tape drive to ensure that they are always safe and secure. The backup is always ready and available anytime you need it
- Easy Site Administration - With our powerful control panel, you can always administer most of your site features easily without even needing to contact for our Support Team. Additionally, you can also install more than 100 FREE applications directly via our Control Panel in 1 minute!

Happy hosting!

Sharepoint 2010 Hosting :: Deploying WCF Service to Sharepoint 2010

clock July 19, 2010 08:19 by author Administrator

The new packaging and deployment stuff for SharePoint 2010 is certainly a lot better than VSeWSS but there are a few things missing, such as the ability to add a WCF service as a project item. One of these days I’ll build a template to do it but for now here’s a quick step by step guide.

Add SVC file to Layouts folder

To make a Windows Communication Framework service available we need to host it somewhere. Since SharePoint runs on IIS, we need to create a .svc file with details of the service implementation. Of course before we create the file we need somewhere to put it and for the purposes of this demonstration we’ll use a custom subfolder within the %sproot%\TEMPLATE\Layouts folder. We can set up this folder automatically using our Visual Studio project

1. From the Project menu select Add SharePoint “Layouts” Mapped Folder. You’ll notice that a new folder is added to the solution
2. We can now go ahead and add our MyWCFService.svc file. In the Layouts\<MyProjectName> folder. Add a new XML File named
Replace the contents of the file with the following code

1 <%@ Assembly Name="$SharePoint.Project.AssemblyFullName$"%> 
2 <% @ServiceHost Service="MyProject.MyService" %>

Token Replacement in Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2010 allows the use of replaceable tokens when creating SharePoint solution packages. Our .svc file makes use of the token $SharePoint.Project.AssemblyFullName$ that will be replaced when the package is built, by the 4 part assembly name for the associated assembly. However, tokens are not automatically replaced in files with an .svc extension. Thankfully this is a simple problem to resolve.

1. Navigate to
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\SharePointTools
2. O
pen the Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.targets file. You’ll find that this is an Xml format file that defines various configuration settings for building SharePoint projects
3. Find the TokenReplacementFileExtensions element and append svc to the list of file extensions as shown

<%@ Assembly Name="$SharePoint.Project.AssemblyFullName$"%>
<% @ServiceHost Service="MyProject.MyService" %>

Adding WCF service configuration to SharePoint

As well as an .svc file, IIS also needs to reads the configuration of the WCF service from the web.config file. For the purposes of this quick how-to we’ll make the necessary changes manually

1. Open the web.config file for our application (this will be found at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80\web.config if the application is the first application running on port 80).
2. In the system.serviceModel element add the following configuration details

<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" />
        <binding name="MyDemoBinding">
            <security mode="TransportCredentialOnly">
                <transport clientCredentialType="Ntlm" />
        <behavior name="MyDemoBehavior">
            <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
            <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false" />
    <service behaviorConfiguration="MyDemoBehavior" name="MyProject.MyService">
        <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="MyDemoBinding" contract="MyProject.IMyService">
            <dns value="localhost" />
            <add baseAddress=”http://localhost/_layouts/MyProjectName” />

Note: In an ideal world we’d add some code to our SharePoint solution that would automatically add the appropriate configuration details to the web.confg file but that's a story for another dayWe’re now ready to deploy the service to SharePoint.

Sharepoint Foundation 2010 Hosting :: Working with Claim-based Authentication in Sharepoint 2010

clock July 8, 2010 08:20 by author Administrator


There is a lot of hype about claims based authentication, and unfortunately a lot of confusing jargon.   Our goal in this post is to explain what claims based authentication means in plain English. This includes what it enables, and what it doesn’t enable. We are going to try our hardest not to use any technical terminology beyond the bare minimum., as the premier Sharepoint Foundation 2010 Hosting provider, proudly provides this article to any Sharepoint users and certainly we hope it can help you digest the new feature in Sharepoint 2010 Services. For those of you who are looking to host Sharepoint 2010, you can always start with as the cost is as low as $9.99/month only!

What is authentication?

Authentication is the process of determining if someone is who they claim to be. It answers the question “Who is this guy really?”

In the Microsoft world, authentication is usually performed by Active Directory.  Foe example: I claim to be Tristan, and I prove this to Active Directory by providing my password. Other systems don’t trust me, they trust Active Directory. Active Directory gives systems a bit of data that says “yeah, I personally vouch for this guy. It really is Tristan.”

Now, if everyone used the same Active Directory installation in the same environment, then that’s all we would need. Claims based authentication is not needed in a simple environment like that

But in the real world, things are different. We face three big challenges:
- Privacy regulations and other pieces of legislation are impacting what kind of information we are allowed to capture and store about users, so in some cases we can’t just demand that people give us all of their personal details
- Businesses want to interoperate with other businesses, and government organisations want to provide more integrated services to citizens. However, different systems use different authentication systems (not everyone uses Active Directory, and even when they do, they have different instances.), and businesses want to integrate in a secure, legally compliant manner

What does claims based authentication do?

Claims based authentication is designed to address the two challenges mentioned above

Claims based authentication addresses privacy and other compliance concerns by requesting less specific, less personal information about people, and by trusting other parties or systems to do the “proof of identity” check

Imagine you have a “sell alcohol to public” ecommerce website, and you are in a country where there are only two laws, called Fantasyland. One of these laws says “alcohol may not be sold to people under 18”, and the other law says “people have a right to privacy and web sites aren’t allowed to track individual people”. (If the law was this simple in real life we wouldn’t need lawyers!)

We’ve got two competing concerns here. Firstly we need to ensure that a user is of legal age, while at the same time we’re not allowed to know who that user is! (Again, I blame the lawyers of Fantasyland).

It turns out that in Fantasyland, the Government has set up a web service that users log on to, which authenticates them based on their citizenId and citizenPassword. It then is able to tell other systems that a user is above 18 or not, without revealing who that user is

So we implement our “sell alcohol to public” website by building a claims-aware system. Instead of building the standard “username and password” login mechanisms, we simply ask the Government’s web service to tell us if the user browsing our site is over 18. The claim that our system uses is a “userIsOver18” claim, and the claim value is either yes or no. We simply don’t build any authentication system at all beyond a simple “if (userIsOver18) then..“ statement

By doing this, we address privacy concerns – we don’t know or keep personally identifiable information – while at the same time ensuring that we don’t sell alcohol to someone under 18

Claims based authentication addresses integration of different systems by allowing communications using open standards, and by providing a platform for developing more specialised ‘identity connectors’ between systems

What won’t it do for me?

Claims based authentication won’t address the lifecycle management of identity information. You’ll need a broader solution to that, but your solution may integrate with claims based authentication systems. How do you deal with new staff? How do you handle staff who are on long service leave? How do you handle fake accounts? Microsoft would like you to use their Identity Lifecycle Management application for this kind of thing

We are going to be a little controversial here, and point out what we believe the biggest limitation of claims based authentication. We believe that what enterprise customers really need is claims based authorization.  Claims based authentication may let our system know that a user is a contractor from a partner company, but it alone won’t let me specify a rule that says “all of my company’s financial spreadsheets must not be seen by contractors”. Not only does claims based authentication not provide this capability, but neither do the role-based access controls provided by SharePoint. In fact SharePoint’s role-based access control model itself is too limited to address this. It still needs substantial improvements

The way industry is addressing this is by producing “entitlement management” systems, for specifying access control rules. Microsoft’s current solution, in my opinion, is strongly deficient in this regard. Yes, you can specify per item permissions for each individual financial spreadsheet. But this imposes such a high maintenance overhead that it is unworkable in practice. In my opinion companies like Oracle are well ahead of Microsoft in this field, but by no means does anyone have a complete turn-key solution

How is it implemented?

The claims-based authentication implementation has a number of components. In simplified terms here’s how the pieces of technology fit together

- From a developer’s point of view, the platform that Microsoft is providing is called the Windows Identity Foundation. This used to be called the Geneva framework. It provides a programming library suitable for building claims-aware applications. This library is also used by SharePoint 2010
- Active Directory Federation Services implements services to create, accept, and transform tokens that contain claims
- Cardspace provides a user interface for users to select which “identity card” they wish to use for a particular system

Sharepoint Foundation (WSS) 2010 Hosting :: How to enable Anonymous Access in Sharepoint 2010

clock June 30, 2010 16:11 by author Administrator

It can be a little daunting if you're new to SharePoint and tasked with doing something you've never done before. Can it be done in SharePoint? Will doing it break your site or the entire installation? Is doing it so difficult it's not worth doing? Configuring anonymous access is one of those tasks because you're dealing with SharePoint (and ASP.NET indirectly), your site collection (and potentially your database indirectly), IIS, and occasionally the file system.

At the time of writing there are a number of sites and blog posts out there offering instructions on how to configure anonymous access. Some are extremely detailed--and depending on what you're trying to accomplish, unnecessarily so. Others are a bit vague. presents this article to any Sharepoint users and we certainly hope it can help the community, particularly to those who are using Sharepoint 2010 services. In case you are looking to host your Sharepoint 2010 site, you can always start from as low as $9.99/month only!

What you'll find below is a detailed step-by-step set of instructions for setting up anonymous access for a fully branded web site like The anonymous access site gives internet users the ability to browse the site without having to log in and another site allows content editors to post content updates using their domain accounts.

A bit of background information

In brief, the steps below involve 'extending an existing web application' (that's a SharePoint concept) by creating a sister web app from an existing web app. The extended web app will use the same content database as the original and will be configured to support anonymous access. The top-level site of the database will also be configured to support anonymous access. As a final option, I'll show you how to disable all other types of non-anonymous access

The following tasks should be completed by a server administrator and assume you have already created a web application the normal way (it might be a good idea to ensure it's working before you begin...)

1. Extend an existing web application

Open the Central Administration console and select the Application Management tab
- Select Create or extend Web application from the SharePoint Web Application Management section
- Select Extend an existing Web application on the next screen
- Select an existing web application to extend
- Modify the description and configure the port and, optionally, the host header
- Set Allow Anonymous to Yes
- Set the Load Balanced URL Zone to Internet (you may choose another zone here if you like but Internet generally means anonymous so it's the best option).

Once you've extended a web application, the new (i.e. extended) application seems to disapper from the Central Administration screens: it won't be listed as a web application and it doesn't appear as an option when selecting a web app. You will, however, get a new directory for the extended web app under inetpub\wwwroot\wss\virtualdirectories\ and a new IIS site; you can also remove the extended site from SharePoint if required

Enable anonymous access on the site's corresponding site collection

Although the site collection will be shared by the existing web application and the anonymous web application, the following steps must be completed via the anonymous web application
- Browse to the home page of the extended web application
- Select Site Settings --> Modify All Site Settings from the Site Actions drop-down menu
- Under Users and Permissions, select the Advanced permissions link
- Select Anonymous Access from the Settings menu
- Set Anonymous Access to
Entire Web site

Sites inherit the permissions of their parent by default so if you have any problems with a specific site you can ensure it's set to inherit permission from here as well (browse to the site settings screen for the relevant site first).

If you can’t see the Anonymous Access menu item, either the web app hasn’t been configured for anonymous access (see above or below) or you’re accessing the site via the default zone instead of the internet zone—you must access the site via the internet zone (at the extended URL).

3. Test

Browse to the anonymous site in Firefox (or turn off integrated windows authentication if you're using IE); the site should be rendered without the Site Actions menu and other SharePoint controls
- Browse to a SharePoint administration screen (eg. /_layouts/settings.aspx) and you should be prompted to supply login credentials

At this point your site is set up to allow anonymous access but will also prompt you to log in as an administrator if you hit any of the SharePoint screens. This may be desirable but alternatively you may want to lock down external access to your public site; if that's the case, read on...

4. Remove integrated authentication from the anonymous web application (optional)

Open the Central Administration console and select the Application Management tab
- Select Authentication providers from the Application Security section
- Select the Internet zone (this is the zone specified when the anonymous application was extended).
- Deselect
Integrated Windows authentication
Set Enable Client Integration to No

5. Test

Browse to the anonymous site in Firefox (restart any open browser windows if you receive a 401 error immediately after completing step 4). The home page should appear as it did previously.
- Browse to a SharePoint administration screen (eg. /_layouts/settings.aspx); you should receive a 401 UNAUTHORIZED HTTP error (which, in this case, is appropriate).

6. Troubleshooting

If you run into difficulties (mainly with 401s and 403s popping up where they shouldn't), these ideas may help

- Make sure the page you're trying to access is published. It's easy to forget this simple step in all the excitement but if a page (or image, etc) doesn't have at least one published version MOSS won't serve it up
- Reset IIS--it's quick an easy
- Grant the Read & Execute permission to the Authenticated Users group on the anonymous site's web.config and /bin directory (both can be found below Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories); do the same again for the authenticated site. Permissions on these files are reset every time the authentication method is changed in SharePoint
- Recognise extending a web app creates a new site in IIS and corresponding directory under wwwroot with its own web.config. Ensure the newly-created web.config in the extended site contains everything it needs to; ensure any virtual directories and applications are properly configured
- Redeploy any solutions, features, etc to make sure everything’s where it needs to be (custom private assemblies in particular)
- It's possible your custom code is doing something that requires elevated permissions. The Visual Studio debugger will help you locate the culprit. If you can't remove the offending code, you can wrap it using a delegate:

SPSecurity.CodeToRunElevated elevatedAction =
new SPSecurity.CodeToRunElevated(delegate() { /* dodgy stuff */ });

- If necessary, remove the extended web application using the Central Administration console (also remove the IIS site) and start again

Top Reasons to trust your SharePoint 2010 website to

What we think makes so compelling is how deeply integrated all the pieces are. We integrate and centralize everything--from the systems to the control panel software to the process of buying a domain name. For us, that means we can innovate literally everywhere. We've put the guys who develop the software and the admins who watch over the server right next to the 24-hour Fanatical Support team, so we all learn from each other:

24/7-based Support
- We never fall asleep and we run a service that is operating 24/7 a year. Even everyone is on holiday during Easter or Christmas/New Year, we are always behind our desk serving our customers
Excellent Uptime Rate
- Our key strength in delivering the service to you is to maintain our server uptime rate. We never ever happy to see your site goes down and we truly understand that it will hurt your onlines business. If your service is down, it will certainly become our pain and we will certainly look for the right pill to kill the pain ASAP
High Performance and Reliable Server
- We never ever overload our server with tons of clients. We always load balance our server to make sure we can deliver an excellent service, coupling with the high performance and reliable server
Experts in SharePoint 2010 Hosting
- Given the scale of our environment, we have recruited and developed some of the best talent in the hosting technology that you are using. Our team is strong because of the experience and talents of the individuals who make up ASPHostCentral
Daily Backup Service
- We realise that your website is very important to your business and hence, we never ever forget to create a daily backup. Your database and website are backup every night into a permanent remote tape drive to ensure that they are always safe and secure. The backup is always ready and available anytime you need it
- Easy Site Administration
- With our powerful control panel, you can always administer most of your site features easily without even needing to contact for our Support Team. Additionally, you can also install more than 100 FREE applications directly via our Control Panel in 1 minute!

Happy hosting!

Sharepoint Foundation 2010 Hosting :: Working with Sharepoint 2010 Backup and Recovery Tools

clock June 29, 2010 11:21 by author Administrator

SharePoint server has become a very popular enterprise application to enhanced collaboration. As the quantity and value of data stored on SharePoint platform rises, backup and recovery becomes critical and it proves to be a challenge for administrators, as the premier reliable and the most affordable Sharepoint 2010 hosting provider, proudly presents this article to anyone who are starting to use Sharepoint 2010 service and hopefully, it can truly help the Sharepoint Community. In case you are looking to host your Sharepoint 2010 site, you can always start from as low as $9.99/month only!

SharePoint offers full farm backup options out of the box: First, the web-based Central Administration backup and restore. Secondly, command-line backup tool stsadm.exe. Third option is SharePoint Designer

Unfortunately, these three options have some limitations: no true item level restore option (if a single item needs to be recovered, the entire site must be restored), manually front end backup necessarily , high restore time, frustrating command-line utilities, no back up directly to tape, no custom solution files backup, no IIS backup, no alternate access mappings backup

Because of the intricate nature of SharePoint server and its vital mission, companies investing in the platform should look for reliable backup and recovery solution able to provide complete range of protection. And since out of the box solution does not offer that level of protection, a third-party solution would be a good investment. This article presents most notable third-party backup and recovery solutions available on the market. Did I miss anything? What is your choice for SharePoint backup and recovery?

Microsoft has listened to its customers and has delivered a complete solution with System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM).

Data Protection Manager (DPM)

System Center Data Protection Manager delivers unified data protection for Windows servers and clients as a best-of-breed backup & recovery solution from Microsoft, for Windows environments. DPM 2010 provides the best protection and most supportable restore scenarios from disk, tape and cloud — in a scalable, manageable and cost-effective way

Key Benefits of Data Protection Manager (DPM):
- Recover site collections, individual sites, or an individual document in minutes
- Easy browse and restore of individual sites, documents, lists, ASPX pages, templates, contacts and entire SharePoint databases and systems
- Restore the entire configuration of SharePoint farm including the configuration database, administration content database, and the content databases
- Copy to a network folder or tape for archival purposes
- Restore a single content database to the SharePoint farm

Top Reasons to trust your SharePoint 2010 website to

What we think makes so compelling is how deeply integrated all the pieces are. We integrate and centralize everything--from the systems to the control panel software to the process of buying a domain name. For us, that means we can innovate literally everywhere. We've put the guys who develop the software and the admins who watch over the server right next to the 24-hour Fanatical Support team, so we all learn from each other:

24/7-based Support
- We never fall asleep and we run a service that is operating 24/7 a year. Even everyone is on holiday during Easter or Christmas/New Year, we are always behind our desk serving our customers
Excellent Uptime Rate
- Our key strength in delivering the service to you is to maintain our server uptime rate. We never ever happy to see your site goes down and we truly understand that it will hurt your onlines business. If your service is down, it will certainly become our pain and we will certainly look for the right pill to kill the pain ASAP
High Performance and Reliable Server
- We never ever overload our server with tons of clients. We always load balance our server to make sure we can deliver an excellent service, coupling with the high performance and reliable server
Experts in SharePoint 2010 Hosting
- Given the scale of our environment, we have recruited and developed some of the best talent in the hosting technology that you are using. Our team is strong because of the experience and talents of the individuals who make up ASPHostCentral
Daily Backup Service
- We realise that your website is very important to your business and hence, we never ever forget to create a daily backup. Your database and website are backup every night into a permanent remote tape drive to ensure that they are always safe and secure. The backup is always ready and available anytime you need it
- Easy Site Administration
- With our powerful control panel, you can always administer most of your site features easily without even needing to contact for our Support Team. Additionally, you can also install more than 100 FREE applications directly via our Control Panel in 1 minute!

Happy hosting!

Sharepoint 2010 :: Working with Sharepoint 2010 Language Packs

clock June 25, 2010 07:14 by author Administrator

New resources from Microsoft allow customers that plan to leverage the product lineup that is part of the Office 2010 launch to take advantage of multiple language options across their deployments. The 2010 Server Language Packs for SharePoint Server 2010, Project Server 2010, Search Server 2010, and Office Web Apps 2010 are currently available for download at no charge, allowing customers to build sites and site collections in multiple languages. The actual label of the language packs is rather self-explanatory when it comes down to the technologies that users will be able to employ in concert with the new technologies.

“Multiple language packs can be installed on the same server. Application of a Language Pack will not change the language of the installed Microsoft server product, or the language of the administrative features,” Microsoft stated. “You do not need to download a language pack for the language you installed, these language packs are to support creation of additional languages.”

SharePoint 2010, Project 2010, Search Server 2010, and Office Web Apps 2010 were released to manufacturing concomitantly with Office 2010 on April 15th. One interesting aspect in this regard is related to Office Web Apps 2010. In this particular case, only the flavor of the Office 2010 Cloud components designed for on-premise deployments on top of SharePoint 2010 were actually RTM’d. Microsoft is still working on finalizing the free online version that is offered through Windows Live SkyDrive, and will probably do so with the RTW of Windows Live Wave 4.

In addition to the resources mentioned above, the Redmond company is also offering for download Language Packs for SharePoint Foundation 2010. “Language packs enable creation of sites and site collections in multiple languages without requiring separate installations of SharePoint Foundation 2010,” the software giant stated.

2010 Server Language Packs for SharePoint Server 2010, Project Server 2010, Search Server 2010, and Office Web Apps 2010 is available for download here.

Language Packs for SharePoint Foundation 2010 is available for download here.

Top Reasons to trust your SharePoint 2010 website to

What we think makes so compelling is how deeply integrated all the pieces are. We integrate and centralize everything--from the systems to the control panel software to the process of buying a domain name. For us, that means we can innovate literally everywhere. We've put the guys who develop the software and the admins who watch over the server right next to the 24-hour Fanatical Support team, so we all learn from each other:

- 24/7-based Support - We never fall asleep and we run a service that is operating 24/7 a year. Even everyone is on holiday during Easter or Christmas/New Year, we are always behind our desk serving our customers
- Excellent Uptime Rate - Our key strength in delivering the service to you is to maintain our server uptime rate. We never ever happy to see your site goes down and we truly understand that it will hurt your onlines business. If your service is down, it will certainly become our pain and we will certainly look for the right pill to kill the pain ASAP
- High Performance and Reliable Server - We never ever overload our server with tons of clients. We always load balance our server to make sure we can deliver an excellent service, coupling with the high performance and reliable server
- Experts in SharePoint 2010 Hosting - Given the scale of our environment, we have recruited and developed some of the best talent in the hosting technology that you are using. Our team is strong because of the experience and talents of the individuals who make up ASPHostCentral
- Daily Backup Service - We realise that your website is very important to your business and hence, we never ever forget to create a daily backup. Your database and website are backup every night into a permanent remote tape drive to ensure that they are always safe and secure. The backup is always ready and available anytime you need it
- Easy Site Administration - With our powerful control panel, you can always administer most of your site features easily without even needing to contact for our Support Team. Additionally, you can also install more than 100 FREE applications directly via our Control Panel in 1 minute!

Happy hosting!

Sharepoint 2010 Hosting :: Best 10 Features and Resources of Sharepoint 2010

clock June 3, 2010 08:27 by author Administrator

The following are the best 10 features and resources of Sharepoint 2010:

1. Social Media Investments – status integration with my sites, newsfeeds, my network, all that social media work around my site. You will expect to see this area really expanded through the public beta in terms of best practices and community awareness.  We hope to see some real effort from the community around helping establishing how to take advantage of these features.

2. External lists .  Showing a SQL table with contact information subsequently shown in a SharePoint external contact list, taken offline in the SharePoint Workspace, and contact objects shown in Outlook.  BDC becomes BCS (Business Connectivity Services) with even much easier systems integration.

3. Large lists – the list throttling was shown off in SharePoint 2010, but the real list sizes showing real scale and control from the farm administrator was impressive.  This was definitely used by the competition in the previous version to suggest that SharePoint didn’t scale.  Despite the ability to scale to 5 million items in a list in the 2007 version, the 2000 item limit per view was often suggested as a limit for the list due to poor use by end users of the features such as indexed columns, limiting the views or using folders.  Now with multi column indexes, and better control over item limited views, you can ensure that the queries are optimized and the list throttling and viewing will be better managed for performance of the server and the list.  The happy hour controls is a happy medium for those needing to break out to do queries that are not the best.  

4. Better Network Differencing & SharePoint Offline in SharePoint Workspace.  It’s still far from the 100% offline browsing experience,  that may be a pipe dream with what can be done with webparts and search.  But now we get lists, and external lists offline as well as what we had before.  The peer to peer is still there, but the SharePoint uses are much more core to the product.  The licensing model pushes this tool mainstream with Office 2010 deployments.  What’s it missing… you gotta know:  Blogs, Wikis, Pages… Of course you can get Blogs RSS feeds in Outlook.  So really it comes down to Wikis and Pages. 

5. High Availability/ Disaster Recovery Innovation. The now built in to be mirroring aware, and the removal of fault tolerance of the services such as scaled out indexing will make it TONS easier and more reliable to backup.  The configuration based backup is huge too.  If you’re not a SharePoint 2007 admin you don’t realize how crazy the backup and unreliable SSP backup/restore was. 

6. Unattached Recovery – We think it’s pretty big deal that the product team decided to invest in the ability to recover from a restored database. The UI is in central admin.  Essentially there is now an API for recovering data out of a database that isn’t in the farm.  This is huge for pulling data out of a snapshot, and really reduces the need for a recovery farm, while we don’t think it fully eliminates that need due to discovery, but that’s another blog. 

7. Admin Insights through the Logging & Usage database, and dev dashboard – The logging database with published schema!  Thank you!  That’s awesome.  The ULS logs were such a pain, definitely looking forward to seeing all the right stuff getting logged and throttled into a database that does know what filling up drive with pure chattiness means.  Those types of things do matter!  On the internet you do likely want to keep it off.  (Use STSADM or powershell to toggle the setting.)  Better to have people convinced the slowness is them or the wire, not the page or the server.  It would be over most heads of the people browsing an internet page anyway who would want to blame your server or SharePoint. 

8. Service Applications – The service oriented architectures and the buzz words of what SOA has become get a huge boost in SharePoint 2010.  We’d like the search from the central portal, the profiles from the social media farm, the taxonomy and meta data from the ECM environment, and analysis and access services from the Finance deployment.  As farms have become more specialized in large enterprises so have the expertise of those that run them.  The one off custom farms that may end up departmentalized, don’t have to be limited in their services.  They can get the richness of the global indexing and not have that be redundant indexing.

9. SharePoint Designer Enhancements like portable workflows, and granular delegation.  The huge innovations in SPD are exactly addressing the feedback that they were asked to implement, but only the SPD fans heard it.  Portable workflows is huge, so is that ability to have people use SPD in the way you want them to.  Only want them to use the FREE, yep still free tool for workflows, fine.  Only want the design team to use it for design, that’s cool.  The NDA kept us from telling you that SharePoint Designer really makes some big moves in the right direction around portability, control, and delegation.  The same areas, that we thought it needed most.  Let alone the even further flexibility of further integration, and BCS integration.

10. Sandbox Solutions – now solutions built from the SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio are all .WSP.  Great to see that consistency, but beyond that now SharePoint administrators can control the resources consumed from these client deployed sandboxed solutions which don’t require the admin to deploy.  While in the past SharePoint administrators needed to deploy any solution, this option, yep it’s an option, allows you to throttle the system resources and allow those who own/administer sites to deploy solutions.  The delegation and control is there.  We think we’ll see much more best practices from more usage of sandboxed solutions, but now custom farms can still run out of the box software.  It will be very interesting to see what can be done with these and how well the throttling of system resources works with these solutions.


SharePoint 2010 Hosting :: 3 Ways to Deploy InfoPath Templates to SharePoint

clock April 28, 2010 10:51 by author Richard

This topic explains brief explanation about SharePoint 2010. If you want better understanding of SharePoint 2010, we recommend you to try ASPHostCentral and you can start from our lowest Standard Plan @4.99/month to host your SharePoint 2010 site.

The amount of steps you have to take to deploy InfoPath form templates to SharePoint depends largely on how you design and plan to use your InfoPath form templates in SharePoint.

This article outlines the options you have where deploying InfoPath form templates to SharePoint are concerned and tells you when it is best to use which deployment method.

You can deploy InfoPath form templates in one of the following 3 ways to SharePoint:

1. To a SharePoint Form Library.
2. As a SharePoint content type.
3. As an administrator-approved form template.

1. Deploy an InfoPath form Template to a SharePoint form library

The simplest and quickest way to deploy an InfoPath form template is to a SharePoint form library.

You can deploy an InfoPath form template in one of two ways to a SharePoint form library:

1. Create a SharePoint form library from within InfoPath when publishing the form template to SharePoint.

2. Pre-create a SharePoint form library in SharePoint and then update the InfoPath form template of an existing SharePoint form library from within InfoPath.

When to use?
Deploy an InfoPath form template directly to a SharePoint form library when you don’t care about reusing the InfoPath form template across several sites or in several SharePoint form libraries.

2. Deploy an InfoPath form Template as a SharePoint content type

SharePoint content types provide several benefits one of which is having the ability to reuse a single content type across several sites and document libraries.

Where InfoPath and SharePoint are concerned, deploying an InfoPath form template as a content type provides the following benefits:

- Being able to deploy an InfoPath form template once and then reuse this template in more than one SharePoint Form Library.
- Being able to define several InfoPath form templates on a single SharePoint Form Library.

When to use?
Deploy an InfoPath form template as a SharePoint content type if you would like to reuse the InfoPath form template across several sites and/or in several SharePoint form libraries.

3. Deploy a template as an admin-approved InfoPath form template

You are forced to deploy an InfoPath browser-compatible form template as an administrator-approved template, whenever you write .NET managed code (C# or Visual Basic) in the form template using either VSTA or Visual Studio, and want to browser-enable the form template when you deploy it to SharePoint.

Administrator-approved deployment of InfoPath form templates to SharePoint is by far the most involved (i.e., it requires the most steps) method of deploying InfoPath form templates to SharePoint, so it is recommended that you consider your InfoPath form template design carefully if you want to avoid this deployment method.

Note: If an InfoPath form template is not browser-compatible, you can only deploy it directly to a SharePoint form library or as a content type.

When to use?
If you have an InfoPath browser-compatible form template that contains code and want to deploy it to SharePoint and browser-enable it.

Top Reasons to trust your SharePoint 2010 website to

What we think makes so compelling is how deeply integrated all the pieces are. We integrate and centralize everything--from the systems to the control panel software to the process of buying a domain name. For us, that means we can innovate literally everywhere. We've put the guys who develop the software and the admins who watch over the server right next to the 24-hour Fanatical Support team, so we all learn from each other:

- 24/7-based Support - We never fall asleep and we run a service that is operating 24/7 a year. Even everyone is on holiday during Easter or Christmas/New Year, we are always behind our desk serving our customers
- Excellent Uptime Rate - Our key strength in delivering the service to you is to maintain our server uptime rate. We never ever happy to see your site goes down and we truly understand that it will hurt your onlines business. If your service is down, it will certainly become our pain and we will certainly look for the right pill to kill the pain ASAP
- High Performance and Reliable Server - We never ever overload our server with tons of clients. We always load balance our server to make sure we can deliver an excellent service, coupling with the high performance and reliable server
- Experts in SharePoint 2010 Hosting - Given the scale of our environment, we have recruited and developed some of the best talent in the hosting technology that you are using. Our team is strong because of the experience and talents of the individuals who make up ASPHostCentral
- Daily Backup Service - We realise that your website is very important to your business and hence, we never ever forget to create a daily backup. Your database and website are backup every night into a permanent remote tape drive to ensure that they are always safe and secure. The backup is always ready and available anytime you need it
- Easy Site Administration - With our powerful control panel, you can always administer most of your site features easily without even needing to contact for our Support Team. Additionally, you can also install more than 100 FREE applications directly via our Control Panel in 1 minute!

Happy hosting!


SharePoint 2010 Hosting :: New Features in SharePoint 2010

clock April 27, 2010 06:43 by author Richard

This topic explains brief explanation about SharePoint 2010. If you want better understanding of SharePoint 2010, we recommend you to try ASPHostCentral and you can start from our lowest Standard Plan @4.99/month to host your SharePoint 2010 site.

Microsoft is releasing a slew of new technologies in 2010, and one of the most important of them is SharePoint 2010. Previously known by the code name SharePoint 14, SharePoint 2010 marks a significant upgrade to the SharePoint product. Here are ten of the most important things about the SharePoint 2010 release, which is expected to be available in the first half of 2010.

1. New SharePoint editions

In an effort to better unify the SharePoint lineup, Microsoft will make some big changes to the SharePoint editions with the 2010 release. Windows SharePoint Server (WSS) is gone, and so is Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS). The free WSS has been replaced by the new SharePoint Foundation 2010. MOSS is replaced by SharePoint Server 2010, which will be available in either the Standard or Enterprise edition as well as in editions for strictly internal sites and for Internet or extranet sites.

2. New hardware requirements

Like the majority of new Microsoft servers, SharePoint 2010 will ship only as a 64-bit product. If you're deploying SharePoint on new hardware, this situation shouldn't be a problem, but it's definitely a consideration if you're planning to upgrade an existing SharePoint server.

3. New software requirements

In addition to new hardware requirements, SharePoint 2010 will require an x64 edition of either Windows Server 2008 or Server 2008 R2. It also requires a 64-bit version of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2005.

4. SharePoint Best Practices Analyzer

With the SharePoint 2010 release, SharePoint Best Practices Analyzer will be incorporated as part of the base SharePoint product. This tool provides Microsoft's guidance for SharePoint implementation and troubleshooting. A Problems and Solutions page in the analyzer helps you solve common implementation problems.

5. FAST Search

The new SharePoint release will incorporate the FAST Search technology that Microsoft acquired from the Norway-based Fast Search & Transfer company. The FAST technology provides a superset of the original SharePoint search capabilities. As its name implies, FAST Search is designed for high-end scalability. It supports a number of enhanced capabilities, including a content-processing pipeline, metadata extraction, visual search, and advanced linguistics.

6. Usage reporting and logging

SharePoint 2010 includes a new database designed to support usage reporting and logging. The usage database is extensible, allowing third-party vendors to create custom reports based on the information it contains.

7. Visio Services

Visio Services in SharePoint 2010 lets users share and collaborate on Visio diagrams. A built-in viewer lets SharePoint users view Visio files in their browser without having Visio installed on their system. Visio Services also retrieves and renders any external data used in the Visio diagrams.

8. Enhanced collaboration features

SharePoint 2010 supports tagging content as well as providing enhanced blog authoring capabilities. There's a new group authentication feature that's based on distribution list or organization and a new rich text editor for creating wikis. In addition, calendars from Microsoft Exchange Server can be merged with SharePoint calendars.

9. New browser support

SharePoint 2010 supports an extended set of browsers. It's designed to support XHTML 1.0–compliant browsers and will support Internet Explorer (IE) 8.0 and IE 7.0, Firefox, and Safari. Notably, IE 6.0 isn't supported. So far, there's been no official mention of Google Chrome or Opera.

10. Enhanced SharePoint Designer

Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 sports a new UI, improved workflow, and improved integration between designers. Although there were doubts about the Office 2007 ribbon-style interface when it was first released, Microsoft has been steadily putting the ribbon UI in many of its products, including SharePoint 2010. The new designer also has a tabbed interface and provides breadcrumb navigation.

Top Reasons to trust your SharePoint 2010 website to

What we think makes so compelling is how deeply integrated all the pieces are. We integrate and centralize everything--from the systems to the control panel software to the process of buying a domain name. For us, that means we can innovate literally everywhere. We've put the guys who develop the software and the admins who watch over the server right next to the 24-hour Fanatical Support team, so we all learn from each other:

- 24/7-based Support - We never fall asleep and we run a service that is operating 24/7 a year. Even everyone is on holiday during Easter or Christmas/New Year, we are always behind our desk serving our customers
- Excellent Uptime Rate - Our key strength in delivering the service to you is to maintain our server uptime rate. We never ever happy to see your site goes down and we truly understand that it will hurt your onlines business. If your service is down, it will certainly become our pain and we will certainly look for the right pill to kill the pain ASAP
- High Performance and Reliable Server - We never ever overload our server with tons of clients. We always load balance our server to make sure we can deliver an excellent service, coupling with the high performance and reliable server
- Experts in SharePoint 2010 Hosting - Given the scale of our environment, we have recruited and developed some of the best talent in the hosting technology that you are using. Our team is strong because of the experience and talents of the individuals who make up ASPHostCentral
- Daily Backup Service - We realise that your website is very important to your business and hence, we never ever forget to create a daily backup. Your database and website are backup every night into a permanent remote tape drive to ensure that they are always safe and secure. The backup is always ready and available anytime you need it
- Easy Site Administration - With our powerful control panel, you can always administer most of your site features easily without even needing to contact for our Support Team. Additionally, you can also install more than 100 FREE applications directly via our Control Panel in 1 minute!

Happy hosting!


SharePoint 2010 Hosting :: ASP to MOSS

clock April 24, 2010 07:23 by author Richard

This topic explains brief explanation about SharePoint 2010. If you want better understanding of SharePoint 2010, we recommend you to try and you can start from our lowest Standard Plan @4.99/month to host your SharePoint 2010 site.


We are already have a number of ASP .Net Web
Applications consisting web forms, user controls, business layer, and data access layer, Many times a need arises to add this web application to a SharePoint site.

This article discusses different/various ways of integrating aspx pages of a web application to a SharePoint site.

The main advantages of this approach are:

- Business users and end users need not go to a separate web application URL(All those pages can be seen within the SharePoint site itself.
- Once the integration is done, the SharePoint site’s security and access rules i.e. Authentication and Authorization (is) are in place without any additional work.

If you finished reading and liked this article, you may consider to choose ASPHostCentral to host your Sharepoint 2010 site. You can start from our lowest Standard Plan @4.99/month. Let’s try it!!


1. Custom Built Web Parts

A good use of web parts would be where you want to build a widget/mini-application that could be put on many/different web part pages across sites.

With this option you need to build your UI using the Web Part framework, where your logic can be within other .Net assemblies or in a web service, just like in any other .Net application.

- Built using ASP.Net Web Part framework
- Deployed via “Web Part install package” or the “new Feature/Solution Deployment” mechanism
- SharePoint application provides hosting framework for putting these Web Parts on Web Part pages
- Communications framework for talking with/to other Web Parts
- Designed to be highly re-usable across many sites with minimal effort

- No drag and drop UI functionality for laying out your UI i.e. no design time surface
- A framework that developers must learn to work within.
- Developing many web parts is not feasible and also raises performance issues.

2. User Controls and the SmartPart

In this method the developer can develop/create a user control and drop it in the smart part. This method is similar to creating web parts but here the developer has the privilege of drag-drop functionality This approach has the limitations of custom built web parts

The application UI can be built using ASP.Net user controls or by converting the aspx and aspx.cs pages to user controls, and then use SmartPart to deliver these User Controls via a web part

The Son of SmartPart is a Web Part that is able to "host" an ASP.Net 2.0 User Control.

- Simple development experience.
- You get a design surface to build you UI
- Deployment is reasonably straight forward
- Can use Web Part connection framework if desired

- Deployment not managed via Solution deployment mechanism Out of the Box (you could build a solution to deploy the Son of Smart Part)
- Slightly different deployment of User Control files and assemblies (a .bat file can be used for easy deployment) during development.

3. _Layouts Folder Approach:

Using _layouts based application is the best approach when you want to extend every site with some functionality such as additional administrative pages.

A _layouts application is when you develop an ASP.Net Web Application and deploy it to the location c:\program files\common files\Microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\template\layout. This is a special directory that gets "virtualized" in each SharePoint site i.e. in each SharePoint site you will have a /_layouts path from the root of the web.

E.g. http://servername//sites/sitename/_layouts.
This means that you can make your application available under each SharePoint site e.g. http://servername/sites/sitename/_layouts/MyApp/SomePage.aspx

In fact this is how all the SharePoint administration pages are delivered in each site.

- Great way to make your functionality available in every site
- Context sensitive access to the SharePoint object model. Great for doing work on the site that the user happens to be working in at the time.


- Master Page integration is possible, but you need to make changes to each aspx page.
- Deployment not managed via Solution deployment mechanism.
- The pages can be accessed from any site existing on that server farm.
- The pages don’t inherit the security and access rules from SharePoint.

4. ASPX pages added to SharePoint Site

This option allows you to add your ASP.Net application pages into your SharePoint Site.  It also provides for compiling all the code behind of your pages into a DLL. In a nutshell this option allows you to build your ASP.Net application outside of SharePoint, build it, test it & then add it to SharePoint.

Here is how to do it:

1. Install the Visual Studio 2005 Web Application Projects extension.  This gives you the 'old style' web    projects in Visual Studio, so you can compile down to a single DLL

2. START -> File -> New Project -> ASP.NET Web Application - Name it "ASPtoSP"

3. Add reference to Microsoft. SharePoint

4. In the Solution Explorer create a folder “~masterurl” and add master page “default.Master” inside it

5. Replace code behind for the master with:

using System;

using Microsoft.SharePoint;

namespace ASPtoSp._masterurl


          public partial class_default : System.Web.UI.MasterPage


          protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)





6. In the designer, rename ContentPlaceHolder's ID to "PlaceHolderMain"

7. Delete Default.aspx, and add new page – “SamplePage.aspx”

After adding all your files right click on the project in solution explorer and choose convert to web application project. This will create partial class for all your aspx pages i.e. designer.cs.

8. Replace source content with the following:

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~masterurl/default.master" CodeBehind="SamplePage.aspx" Inherits="ASPtoSP.SamplePage" Title="Untitled Page" %>

<asp:Content ID="Content5" ContentPlaceHolderID="PlaceHolderMain" runat="server">

Testing Page...

<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>


we have to change the Inherits attribute to add the assembly name. For example, if the namespace is 'SampleSiteNamespace' and the assembly name that the page uses for code-behind is SampleWebSiteAssembly, then we set Inherits="SampleSiteNamespace.SampleWebSiteAssembly", and this assembly must be in the bin of the SharePoint site

Give the namespace as ASPtoSP to both aspx.cs and designer.cs file.

9. Project properties -> Build -> Output path:

Point it to \BIN folder of our SharePoint Web application.

E.g. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\moss.litwareinc.com80\bin

You can also manually copy your projects DLL into the \BIN folder each time.

10. Compile your project.

11. Open the web.config file for the SharePoint Web Application

E.g. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\moss.litwareinc.com80\web.config

12. Add the following line to the SafeControls section (change to suit your assembly and namespace

<SafeControl Assembly=”ASPtoSP” Namespace=”ASPtoSP” TypeName=”*”/>

13. Change the

<trust level=”WSS_Minimal” originUrl=”” /> line to <trust level=”WSS_Medium” originUrl=””/>

Add the following line under the <PageParserPath> section:

<PageParserPath VirtualPath=”/*” CompilationMode=”Always” AllowServerSideScript=”true” IncludeSubFolders=”True” />

Change MaxControls Value from 200 to 800

For viewing the errors set

customErrors mode=”off”

14. Open your site in SharePoint Designer and drag and drop your SamplePage.aspx page into a folder in your site.

Or you can also deploy these pages to one of the SharePoint web application as a feature.

For this you need to write one feature.xml and module.xml and install using stsadm utility.

15. Browse to your page E.g.

16. You should now have your aspx page running in SharePoint.

One great thing about this option is that you could build your applicaiton outside of SharePoint with any old MasterPage, then deploy to SharePoint and swap out the masterpage string for the correct one.  Thus being able to develop and debug outside of SharePoint and then deploy and test inside SharePoint. 

A note on debugging:  If you want to debug your code once it is running inside SharePoint then all you need to do is attach the Visual Studio debugger to the correct w3wp.exe process (Debug -> Attach to process), set your break points and then hit your page in a browser.

Simple development experience. Develop outside SharePoint first if desired.
- You get a design surface to build you UI.

Deployment reasonably straight forward, can be deployed as a feature packaged in a solution package.

Slightly different deployment of User Control files and assemblies ( a .bat file can be used for easy deployment) during development.

5. Using Page Viewer Web Part:

We can use Page viewer Web part available out of box with SharePoint.
In this approach, the asp. Net application runs independent of SharePoint , so we can’t get current logged in user for SharePoint

The only way to get currently logged in user in web part and pass it as query string to page, parse this query string in aspx pages.

The out of box Web parts doesn’t allow us to pass logged in query string, for this you need to create a wrapper for page viewer web part.

- Easier development
- Web part can be deployed as a solution package
- No need to make any change in existing ASP.Net application

- The pages don’t inherit the security and access rules from SharePoint.
- ASP.Net application runs independent of SharePoint, needs to be hosted on a web server.


The best approach to be used depends upon your requirements. In our experience the best way is to add aspx pages to sharepoint uasing web application. In this way it can be easily deployed and removed as and when required.

Top Reasons to trust your SharePoint 2010 website to

What we think makes so compelling is how deeply integrated all the pieces are. We integrate and centralize everything--from the systems to the control panel software to the process of buying a domain name. For us, that means we can innovate literally everywhere. We've put the guys who develop the software and the admins who watch over the server right next to the 24-hour Fanatical Support team, so we all learn from each other:

- 24/7-based Support - We never fall asleep and we run a service that is operating 24/7 a year. Even everyone is on holiday during Easter or Christmas/New Year, we are always behind our desk serving our customers
- Excellent Uptime Rate - Our key strength in delivering the service to you is to maintain our server uptime rate. We never ever happy to see your site goes down and we truly understand that it will hurt your onlines business. If your service is down, it will certainly become our pain and we will certainly look for the right pill to kill the pain ASAP
- High Performance and Reliable Server - We never ever overload our server with tons of clients. We always load balance our server to make sure we can deliver an excellent service, coupling with the high performance and reliable server
- Experts in SharePoint 2010 Hosting - Given the scale of our environment, we have recruited and developed some of the best talent in the hosting technology that you are using. Our team is strong because of the experience and talents of the individuals who make up ASPHostCentral
- Daily Backup Service - We realise that your website is very important to your business and hence, we never ever forget to create a daily backup. Your database and website are backup every night into a permanent remote tape drive to ensure that they are always safe and secure. The backup is always ready and available anytime you need it
- Easy Site Administration - With our powerful control panel, you can always administer most of your site features easily without even needing to contact for our Support Team. Additionally, you can also install more than 100 FREE applications directly via our Control Panel in 1 minute!

Happy hosting!